Friday 5 on March 5

There is an official Friday 5 (or is it Fave 5 on Friday?) meme out there somewhere, but I just do my own thing here.

I am thinking about 5 great things today:

5. It’s FRIDAY!!!  Let’s have a celebration:

Yes, it was from 1984 — the year I graduated from high school.  These guys sound just as good now as they did then AND I was lucky enough to see them in concert 2 years ago:

I’ve been a RUSH fan for 30 years! But let’s not dwell too much on a number like that, okay?

4. I’ve gone to bed before midnight every night this week.  Most nights I’ve been in bed by 9:30pm!  I’m a night owl by nature, but I get up early with my husband each work morning, so it is healthiest if I can get to sleep sooner than later.  I hope I’m not bringing on a case of insomnia tonight by talking about this run of wonderful sleep!

Before going to bed on Wednesday night, I prepared a breakfast bake (you know, the kind with bread, eggs, cheese, chiles, and milk) AND put together the Basil Chicken in the crockpot. Both dishes went into the fridge, then I cleaned the kitchen and started the dishwasher before going to bed. When I woke up at 5:45am, I smelled something…  cooking?!? … and panicked.  Had I actually started cooking something instead of putting it in the fridge?!? (I had been really tired and yawned through the whole process the night before.)  Nope! 😛  My husband told me that the 17-year-old had been up cooking from midnight to 2am, making a dish for Spanish Class.  Apparently the boy had known about it for a week and waited for the last minute to take care of the requirements.  (SuperDad heard EB washing up & brushing his teeth at 2am. I slept through it all.)  So, that’s the back-story. The great things are:

3. EB figured it all out on his own and dealt with the problem WITHOUT calling on me for help. I went to sleep without a worry in my sleepy head because I didn’t know anything about it.  I’m thrilled that he took full responsibility for his project.  (And did I mention? I slept through it! 😀 )

2. I came downstairs to what had been a clean kitchen the night before and it WASN’T a huge mess. EB had left a note for me asking for me to please put the cooled Majao in a plastic container that he could take to school because it had been too hot at 2am for that step AND he APOLOGIZED for the dirty dishes left in the sink!!  WOW!! 😀

1. And the #1 reason to celebrate:  SuperDad and I were married 22 years ago today (although it was a Saturday, not a Friday)

What is good about your Friday?

13 responses to “Friday 5 on March 5

  1. I like your Friday 5. Good job on sleeping through your son’s responsible late-nite task. And congrats to you & SuperDad on 22years! Great wedding pic that captured the happy day.
    I’m excited on this Friday to have found out I was selected as a Volunteer for the 2010 Easter Egg Roll @ the White House!

  2. congratulations!!! here is to 22 more years at least…my friday is great because its PayDay!!!!!

  3. Mine was great because my Dad (80+) ‘friended’ me on facebook.
    Now, how cool is that? (Or, isn’t that expression used any longer???)

  4. Oh, and congratulations on you Anniversary!

  5. Happy Anniversary! I hope the next 22 years are packed with twice as much love and happiness and laughter.

    Isn’t it great when your kids pulls off something wonderful and complicated alone? And here’s to sleep! I have gone out cold extra early the past couple of days but then I have been working darn hard!

  6. Happy Anniversary!!
    I´m totally jealous of your sleeping pattern. Sounds great to sleep through the kids working in the kitchen…. 🙂

  7. And I was right there with you that Saturday night 22 years ago. : ) In fact, I STILL have the teal bridesmaid dress and matching shoes in my closet!!

  8. Happy anniversary!!

  9. oh ADORABLE!! happy anniversary! 🙂

    my friday is mostly good just BECAUSE it’s a friday, which means i get to work from home! hooray!

  10. I love everything about this post! Maybe I should do this too! [Here I go again, I often sign up and fail on the follow through — my attention span and all] [Or, maybe I just get lazy…]

    :-)! 22 years! You are exactly double of us! This year anyhow. Though, I claim the whole 15: 3 dating, 1 engaged, 11 married. ;-D

    Happy FWFD of the weeeeeeeeeeek!

  11. Happy Anniversary!

    I am a night owl who has had to completely flip for my new job. Up at 5:30 means asleep by 9:30. 10 at the latest.

    One problem I have is that if someone makes noise at 2 and wakes me up my body thinks it is done sleeping. Noooo!

  12. Awwwwwwww! I missed you anniversary! Well… happy belated! I’m sure I wasn’t vital to it’s happiness! lol!

    Wow! EB cleaned up… that’s impressive! And left a note! My kids used to cook after I went to bed all the time! But they never cleaned up! (they thought they did – cuz the pans weren’t still on the stove!) Grr! lol! Kids!

    LOVE that wedding photo! Look at you two YOUNGSTERS! How sweet!