
I wanted to post this yesterday (Sunday) but the kids were in need of the computer for (gasp!) homework.

So here is my “Sunday musing” on a Monday morning…

Still waters run deep, or so the saying goes.

One of the challenges I face in life and with blogging is “keeping it real.”  I want to share who I am along with my joys and challenges, but sometimes I have trouble articulating it all. When it comes to sharing the faith-piece of me, I’ve got a Paul Problem; that is to say, no big conversion story in my life, just a quiet journey.

Today I am thinking about two things. One is from the passage in the New Testament gospel of Matthew, where Jesus is being questioned (with intent to trick) by the religious leaders who ask him,

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
Jesus replied: ” ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
(Matthew 22:36-40, New International Version [translation])

The other thing I am thinking about today is a quote from Martha Grace Reese:

“The heart of faith-sharing is one person giving another a vision of what it’s like to be in love with God.”

Your thoughts and reflections? Please comment.

7 responses to “Reflection

  1. Awesome stuff. Great thoughts for the Monday morning.

  2. Great stuff to be thinking about! Much better than ME contemplating on whether or not Judas Iscariot really DENIED that he would betray Jesus… even after already making arrangements to do so. Or if he merely shook his head in agreement or something. Not that it matters… it’s just what popped into my head this morning.

  3. Your thinking inspires. I think this will be my goal for this week. To give other people a vision of what it´s like to be in love with God. Great post and beautiful pic too! I´m happy you´re snow is melting.

  4. OMG that is a beautiful reflection photo and I like what you are reflecting on. 🙂 Yippeee kids doing homework 🙂

  5. I think of all my witnessing the piece I am proudest of is one that caught me by complete surprise. One Sunday morning, just like countless Sunday mornings, I opened the door to my home at 9:15 and, Bible in hand, walked toward my car. The door to the neighbor’s house opened. She joined me at my car and said, “For months I have watched you faithfully go to church every Sunday. When you leave I pull out my Bible and remember going to church as a child. May I come with you today?”

    When it comes to Christian witness, how we live has a much more profound impact on others than anything we might say.

  6. Oh — that photo is outstanding. It is like finding a promise in a mud puddle.

  7. to ME that picture means that things around here are FINALLY THAWING OUT 🙂