Windows on the World

Following a school bus down Main Street

Thematic Photographic is brought to us by Carmi. This week’s theme is all about windows.

7 responses to “Windows on the World

  1. Lucky you didn’t get a pic of a grade school kid in the back window flipping you off. That’s what they do around here. LOL ;- )

  2. Windows — some of my favorite things! School buses — not so much.

  3. Love your take on this my friend 🙂 Well done!

  4. Jenn @ Juggling Life

    The view from your window should be changing to a more spring-y one soon!

  5. Now I’m trying to remember what the windows on the bus DO in the song… shoot! LOL!

  6. I’m quite fascinated with school busses and their flashing lights. They make for colourful photography. Here’s perfect proof. 🙂