WWC#47: Scatter and Collect

For this week’s Weekly Words Challenge, the ever-creative Tink has given us the words SCATTER and COLLECT.

This is one of my favorite SCATTER shots from the archives:

SnakeMaster throwing leaves at Grandma

SnakeMaster throwing leaves at Grandma


collecting hair

collecting hair


When the infamous summer haircuts were completed, someone (that would be me) had to COLLECT the mess.


modes of air transportation

modes of air transportation


a collection of airplanes

a collection of airplanes


If you go to the National Air and Space Museum (or any other museum of flight, for that matter) you can view a vast collection of flying machines.


a place to collect library books

a place to collect library books

Just yesterday, I gathered up the SCATTERed library books and put them in the COLLECTion box.










My boys have each gone through a stage of childhood where they like to COLLECT rocks.  

rocks & shells

rocks & shells

Who am I kidding, *I* still COLLECT rocks (and shells)!   




And here is one especially for Gary

purple house with scattered flowers

purple house with scattered flowers

In my little town (population 600) there is a purple house!  While the owners may actually carefully plant all of these flowers, it looks to me like they SCATTER wildflower seeds to make an English garden.  It makes me smile whenever I drive past this house. 🙂

16 responses to “WWC#47: Scatter and Collect

  1. Nice pictures and excellent presentation. Funny purple house for Gary! I’m totally groovin’ on the leaf shot.

  2. Good job on the photos. That first shot is amazing.

  3. Oh, I love the first photo! I think once a person sees the beauty in rocks and shells, they never stop collecting them. Great job!

  4. Yeah, the leaf shot is really great.

    I’ve been to the National Air and Space Museum. Of course that was TWENTY-TWO years ago. Man, I’m getting old! 😉

  5. That first photo is totally frameworthy!! I love it! Looks really professional… A keeper for sure.

    The rest of the photos are great too, but that first one caught my eye.

  6. Oh – Snakeman and Grandma are the BEST – and so appropriate!
    And, hey – I JUST clipped Toot, the wonder shih-tzu yesterday – and didn’t even think to take a picture of the collecting of the resultin hair clumps – clever you!
    I also collect rocks and shells. Yours are very pretty.

  7. Love all the shots…but especially the collect and scatter rocks in the hands! Well done!

  8. That first picture made me laugh. It looks like Grandma is about to kick SnakeMaster. I heard “hiiiiya!” in my head. 🙂

    The scatter and collect rock shots are my favorite.

    Well done!

  9. Oh, I love that first photo – with the leaves. That’s great.

  10. these are wonderful!

    i love the idea of an english garden… no grass to mow that way 😉

  11. farmer*swife

    Great pics! And, a purple house too!

  12. You opened big and closed strong!

  13. I love that house!!!! Very nice shade, and pretty gardens.

  14. That first photo warms my heart. Really, it’s beautiful!

  15. Hey, I just noticed that my neighbor Holley Padula visited you.