Friday memes

Friday 5

1. I’ve been blessed to be a part of a wonderful group of women who are rallying around a friend in need.
2. The internet is full of incredible resources for organizing help for people!
3. I’m hosting breakfast for about 18 people tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m.
4.  My house is a mess!
5. Only one family member has been down with the 24 hour flu bug… so far…


A meme I think I’ve stolen/borrowed from Janet

Today I… need to run a few errands, care for someone else’s kitties, and clean like crazy!  Somewhere in there I think I am making some bran muffins.

Tomorrow I… am hosting a breakfast (I already told you that) and Bible study (but luckily someone else gets to lead)! Then a group of us are going to clean someone else’s house.

And on Sunday… the group I sing with is leading worship at both services.  When I get home, I think I will take a nap!

What are your plans?

5 responses to “Friday memes

  1. My palns? I am going to the San Juan Islands Christian Women’s Retreat. And I should packing, not blogging!

  2. Goodness, you DO stay busy! I have been praying for your friend everyday…

    My Krysti woke up wretching this morning… *sigh*… I hope the rest of us don’t get it. I hope the rest of YOU don’t get it too!

  3. ummm, homework, cleaning, laundry, homework, did i mention laundry?

  4. Ah yes, the dreaded laundry. But also, a St. Patrick’s Day party–so fun, too.