
The crisis in Haiti bumped this post to Friday.

Am I too late?

So while some say that National Delurking Day was Tuesday, I’m just happy to link in to any day this week. If you lurk, please de-lurk long enough to leave a comment… because I’m not blog-savvy enough to figure out if you’ve been here without a comment! Thanks! 🙂

13 responses to “Gotcha!

  1. Lurk is a funny word.

  2. Your banner cracked me up.

    It is hard to blog with the tragedies in Haiti still imminent, but I think that it’s good to keep things light here and there … and de-lurking is a great way to reach out to others. So, I think this is in the spirit of humanity. 🙂

    Have a great weekend.

  3. You need to attach a statcounter (easy-peasy) and then you can stalk those who are stalking you!

  4. LOL…I love your Banner. I’m right there with ya about lurkers. I don’t know but there again I don’t care if they lurk LOL

  5. I often wish more folks would share a thought or two before jetting off to wherever else they need to be. But then I think of my own online habits. And my own need to occasionally stand by the wayside and quietly observe (journalist’s thing, I guess.)

    I don’t remain silent forever – and there’s the thing, that it would be nice if more folks felt the need to occasionally chime in – but some days, it’s enough to leave without necessarily leaving a trace.

  6. I think I’ll just lurk today…um…

  7. I never lurk on your blog 🙂

  8. I’m here! I’m here!

  9. I hope I’m one of your favorite lurkers!

  10. You know me – don’t you?

  11. LOL! I never invite my lurkers to de-lurk. I figure they are lurking for a reason. My tracker tells me I get between 60 & 70 visitors a day… but I only get less than 20 comments! It’s okay… I only visit my commentors! And I’m LUCKY if I get THAT done!

  12. I’m not lurking 🙂

  13. Lurk who’s here! 😉