The faster I go, the behinder I get

I’ve been using scheduled posts a lot lately, which is prime reason for anything being up here at all. Airborne and I are battling illness, with extra sleep being my secondary weapon.

Today I’m off to volunteer at the school and then a group of us fold, label, and mail the newsletter. Luckily, my job this month was proofreader, so it didn’t eat my life for 3 days straight. And tonight is a Pack meeting for Scouts.

Tomorrow I teach a class in the morning and attend a WW meeting band boosters meeting awards program at SnakeMaster’s school.

I’ll be making the rounds when I get more than a few moments free.

13 responses to “The faster I go, the behinder I get

  1. Feel better. I am dying too. I am wondering if I am suffering from a sinus infection. I have been getting fevers so I am off to the doctor shortly.

  2. Here’s hoping you fight off whatever it is.

  3. Hope you feel Better!!!

  4. Get better fast! Sleep is the number one weapon against illness. That’s why NyQuil works so well. It helps me sleep.

  5. I should be off and running. A few scheduled posts might have helped me get more done. I don’t seem to have time to do all that life requires and I wish. This head cold has me sleeping 12 hours a day and dragging the rest.

  6. NOOOOOOOO! YOU can’t get SICK!!! At least you are finally getting a little shuteye though. So, that’s a plus.

    Feel better Super-Soon!

  7. Tou and I must have succumbed to the same bug… I’ve been snivelling and sneezing since Friday!

  8. gooooooo airborne! goooooo your immune system!! (i’m hoping that some cheering will boost them into higher effectiveness.)

  9. Personally, I am sitting here thinking about a NAP today! But I NEED to do my Bible study and get on my bike! Decisions, decisions….

  10. I hope you feel better soon.

  11. That’s all how I do my posts. I very rarely do them, except for Thursday Thunks, Sat. 9 and Sunday Stealing , on the day or day before they are do. I schedule everything. I hope you feel better real soon my friend 🙂

  12. I hope you’ll be on the mend soon.

  13. Get well soon! I have to agree with Jay. Nyquil & Dayquil work great for us too! Here’s hoping you find something that works wonders for you!