Thematic Glass

Here is a little peek at my Girls Gone Mild weekend:

Cranberry wine

As beautiful as this front door is, the view out the back window was even better!

I’m sharing these as my entry in Carmi‘s Thematic Photographic. He is kindly giving us 2 weeks to post pictures of glass.  Feel free to play along! 🙂

8 responses to “Thematic Glass

  1. Beautiful. I bet it was a great weekend 🙂

  2. That’s the kind of weekend I’d need right now!

  3. That is pretty similar to my front door!

  4. Awesome! Totally looks like a GGM relax retreat!

    I have an awesome view out my back windows too because this year there is a field of beautiful sorghum grain growing high and tall and swaying in the South Texas breeze (wind).

    Rather than a view of an empty field full of dirt, dirt, dust…and some dirt. 🙂

  5. That is quite the soul-soothing view.

  6. What a view! I would love to relax there.
    I bet it was an awesome weekend!

  7. Whoa! What a great view. Where did you stay?

  8. What a great view. “Girls gone mild” made me laugh. 🙂